Azur Mutuelle La complémentaire santé des résidents en EHPAD

We Provide Quality Nursing
Care Service.

Lovercare provides quality services by using trained personnel, proper instruments, appropriate medications and newer technologies for the seniors.

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01. Fund Raise

The Largest Nursing Care Home
That Make Your Life Easy

Specialist Nursing Care

Lovecare provides acute assistance, exoneration and psychological help of your loved one.

$0.00 raised of $2,000.00 goal Donate Now

Provide Home Visit Care

Lovecare now provides home visit service for the convenience and well-being of your loved one.

$0.00 raised of $3,000.00 goal Donate Now

Relatives Accommodation

Seniors love to stay with family in that case love care helps them to find that type of accommodations.

$0.00 raised of $3,000.00 goal Donate Now

02. About Us

We’re Take Care of Your Problems Carefully

Our goal each day is to ensure that our residents’ needs are not only met but exceeded. To make that happen, we are committed to providing an environment in which residents can enjoy a wide range of amenities that allow them to feel independent.


Our goal each day is to ensure that our residents’ needs are not only met but exceeded. To make that happen, we are committed to providing an environment in which residents can enjoy a wide range of amenities that allow them to feel independent.


02. About Us We’re Take Care of Your Problems Carefully Approach Mission Target Our goal each day is to ensure that our residents’ needs are not only met but exceeded. To make that happen, we are committed to providing an environment in which residents can enjoy a wide range of amenities that allow them to feel independent.


Book an Appointment Today!

You want to reach us or you want to take our service book an appointment immediately
and take your desired service from us so that you can feel independent and safe.

Get Appintment

03. Services

Everyone Deserves Our Best Services

People come to us for trust and honesty. They deserve our best service since they cost money for their loved one to be happy and so we give them our best services.

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy helps sore or sick people enhance their stroll and handle pain and significant segments of prophylactic care.

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Health Care

Health care protection of health through diagnosis, injury, reclamation, treatment, physical and mental  deprivation.

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Private Nursing

Private nursing gives their service to your home/wherever you want. They are very professional to give their service

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Residential Nursing

Residential nursing this service gives for a long time for seniors who are not able  to maintain on his/her own work on a daily basis.

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Dementia Care

Dementia is a multiple disease in some cases it may cause memory loss. Lovecare now services dementia care.

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Years Experiences


Great Volunteers


Satisfied Clients


Awards Achieve

04. Testimonials

What Our Clients Say
About LoveCare

05. FAQ

Freequently Asked Questions

You can ask any type of question about lovecare frequently. You have no need to bother what they will think. You can ask lovecare support, cost, environment, medical services, residential services, assisted living, personal care and any other related question that comes to your mind.

Don’t hesitate to come to us ask anything that you want to know:

Is there support for me at home?

Yes, of course There is support for you at home. We are giving home service. We are giving

  • Private Nursing
  • Residential Nursing

I am worried about a loved one

You don’t have no need to worry about your loved one because we are giving these service:

  • Giving Security ensurity.
  • Medication Management

How can I manage my breathlessness?

No need to worry about the breath you just need some physical exercise everyday for taking living breath:

  • Walking everyday morning
  • Jumping Jacks

How can I pay my bill?

You can pay our bill easily no need to tensed about the billing process:

  • Using Checkbook you can give money
  • You can give us Cash.

06. Next Event

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07. Appointment

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